Red Barn Goat Farm / Scales / Neutral 3rd MOS Scale

Jacky Ligon's Neutral 3rd MOS Heptatonic Nonoctave Scale

Neutral 3rd MOS Scale Graph
Neutral 3rd MOS Scale, shown as mode of 24 equal divisions of 1214.3 cents
// Scale Name:           "Jacky Ligon's Neutral 3rd MOS Heptatonic Nonoctave Scale"
// Author:               "Jacky Ligon"
// Created On:            21 Jan 2002
// Keywords:             "MOS,meantone,just,rational,inharmonic,nonoctave,tribal,summoning"
// Repeat Ratio:          7/5
// Scale Pattern:         9/8,12/11,9/8,12/11,9/8,12/11,12/11
// Scale Pattern Type:    Ratio Difference
//   as cents difference: 203.910002, 150.637059, 203.910002, 150.637059, 203.910002, 150.637059, 150.637059
//   as cents from tonic: 203.910002, 354.547060, 558.457062, 709.094120, 913.004122, 1063.641181, 1214.278239
// Anchor:                C 3 = 440 / semitone^9 Hz
// Flavor of Frosting:    Vanilla

00    1/1
01    9/8   
02   16/13   -  4.925278 cents
03   18/13   -  4.925278 cents
04    3/2    +  7.139120 cents
05   22/13   +  2.213842 cents
06   24/13   +  2.213842 cents
07    2/1    + 14.278239 cents
08   16/7    - 12.985853 cents
09    5/2    - 17.488414 cents
10   14/5    -  9.776891 cents
11    3/1    + 21.417359 cents
12   24/7    -  5.846733 cents
13   26/7    +  6.217665 cents
14    4/1    + 28.556478 cents
15   32/7    +  1.292387 cents
16    5/1    -  3.210175 cents
17   28/5    +  4.501348 cents