Red Barn Goat Farm / Scales / 162.986cET - 9th root of 7:3

9th root of Subminor Tenth (7/3)

Graph of 9th root of 7/3
// Scale Name:           "162.986cET - 7/3 div 9"
// Author:               "X. J. Scott"
// Created On:            26 Aug 1999
// Keywords:              nonoctave,ET,equal,equal temperament,america,american
// Repeat Ratio:          7/3
// Scale Pattern:         1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
// Scale Pattern Type:    Srutis Difference
//   as cents difference: 162.985656, 162.985656, 162.985656, 162.985656, 162.985656, 162.985656, 162.985656, 162.985656, 162.985656
//   as cents from tonic: 162.985656, 325.971312, 488.956969, 651.942625, 814.928281, 977.913937, 1140.899594, 1303.885250, 1466.870906
// Anchor:                C 3 = 261.624 Hz
// Flavor of Frosting:    Vanilla

--------------------------begin notes
Nice because it hits so many 13-limit intervals but misses
the octave as far as possible. Also, the complex intervals
are less 'out-of-ratio' than the simple ones (which can
tolerate a wider detuning while maintaining their class
----------------------------end notes
00    1/1
01   11/10   -  2.018572 cents
02    6/5    + 10.330025 cents
03    4/3    -  9.088031 cents
04   16/11   +  3.260567 cents
05    8/5    +  1.241995 cents
06    7/4    +  9.088031 cents
07    2/1    - 59.100407 cents
08   13/6    - 34.687411 cents
09    7/3   
10   18/7    -  5.227533 cents
11   14/5    + 10.330025 cents
12    3/1    + 53.872873 cents